Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 10: Babirusa

Day 10:

A round bodied, somewhat pointed snout, long and thin legged animal lives in the Indonesian rainforest. A 25-30 inch, 94-220 lbs Babirusa roams in search of food.  Foliage, fallen fruit, and fungi are something they would eat. They live about 24 years in the wild and same in captivity. The animals appearance is between a deer and a pig. When they reproduce they have an average of 1.3 of off spring. The Babirusa is the largest out of its three species. If you know the Babirusa then comment below. Until my next blog.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 9:

On the mouth of the Parnaiba River in North eastern Brazil lives the Maned Wolf. Well they can also be found in Scrub forests, the Savanna or Grasslands. Weighing 44.05 to 50.66 lb. and 2.5-2.6 ft at the shoulder. Their fur is red and the tips of their muzzle and legs are black. The underside is white and so are the ears, and tail. They are nocturnal, before dawn and at dusk its hunting time. The Maned wolf is an omnivore eating birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, eggs insects, mollusks, roots, and fruit. The Maned wolf is the tallest of the wolf family. Well they are more related to the Swift Fox and Crab eating Fox. Anyways if you have heard or maybe haven't comment under this blog or whatever you do to comment for this blog. Until next time friends.

Day 8: Lowland Streaked Tenrec

Day 8: 

The Lowland Streaked Tenrec lives and only exists in Madagascar. They can be found either in the savannah or rain forests. They have black and yellow quills that run down their back. Tenrecs make 7-16 specialized sounds are found in both species when they rub their quills they make a high frequency sound. They are quite sociable and can be solitary well at least when they hibernate. Their diet consists, insects, terrestrial non-insect arthropods, and terrestrial worms. They live about 2.7 years in the wild, and 2.6 years in captivity. The females can have about 1-11 offspring but usually the average is 4. When they are born they don’t have spines but they do develop within 24 hours. The Tenrec weighs about 4.41-9.87 oz and are 5.51 inches in length. With their small size its easier to hide from their main predators. The Boa con stricter, Ring-tail Mongoose, fossa, civets and humans. If you've heard of the Lowland Streaked Tenrec comment telling me what else you know about them. Anyways until next time.

Day 7: Sunda Colugo

Day 7:

In Southeast Asia lives a Sunda Colugo. Their closet relative is the primate. Mostly recognized by the Philippine Colugo. They are 19.88-27.12 inches long and 1.98-4.41 pounds. They are a type of lemur that flies… well really glides. They glide using a part of their skin called patagium. They have a small head, huge eyes, small ears, and their fur can be white, black, grey, or even red. They can be found in treetops in Tropical rain forests, and in high lands of forest edges and plantations. They are herbivores, they eat leaves, sap, fruit, nectar, flowers, and other plant fluids. In captivity they live to be about 17.5 years old, and during their life time the female can have 1-2 offspring but the average is usually 1. Strange animal right its so fluffy! If you've heard of the Sunda Colugo comment. Have a great day and stick around. 

Day 6: Cantor's Giant Soft-shell Turtle

Day 6: 

The Cantor’s Giant soft shell turtle spends most of their life buried underground. When they are above ground they’re going up for a breathe or to lay their eggs. They lay about 20-30 eggs. They’re diet is fish or crustaceans. They are indigenous, some live in parts of Asia and India,  and New Guinea. Weighing about 110 lb, and they’re around 6 ft long/wide. The Cantor’s Giant soft shell turtle’s shell is made around their ribs. In many parts of the world this creature has gone extinct, they are on the endangered list. Don't litter end of discussion. If you have heard of the Cantor's Giant soft-shelled turtle comment on this blog, not before this blog or after this one... Until next time.

Day 5: Tufted Deer

Day 5:

These strange creatures live in southern/central China, or NE Burma. They live in forests in high altitudes. I am surprised they eats leaves, twigs, grass and other vegetations. This creature is known as the Tufted Deer. Their name represents their hair because its spiked/tufted up. The tufted deer’s upper canines are present in males and are 2.5 cm long. The males fight one another to gain the rights for mating season. They use their canines and antlers. When mating season is over the female is expected to have 1 offspring. Besides the fact that we are a predator to them so are leopards and Dholes but be good because they are near threatened no wonder no one has heard of them they are almost to the endangered list. So be good to nature because it could all be gone tomorrow. Until next time.

Day 4: Owston's Palm Civet

Day 4:

Small, long snout, this is the Owston’s Palm Civet. They can be found in Southern Yunan, Southwestern Guangxi in China, and Northern Vietnam. They are located in a large vegetated terrestrial evergreen forest. Also near a low land water sources. They live in large canopy trees.  They’re mostly carnivores and part Vermivore. Their diet consist of insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fruit and terrestrial non-insect arthropods. They weigh about 4-6 lbs and are about 19-25 inches long. When its mating season they hare expected to have 1-3 offsprings but the average is 2. If you have heard of this animal make a comment, maybe forgot somethings if I did oops. Anyways until next friends.