Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 5: Tufted Deer

Day 5:

These strange creatures live in southern/central China, or NE Burma. They live in forests in high altitudes. I am surprised they eats leaves, twigs, grass and other vegetations. This creature is known as the Tufted Deer. Their name represents their hair because its spiked/tufted up. The tufted deer’s upper canines are present in males and are 2.5 cm long. The males fight one another to gain the rights for mating season. They use their canines and antlers. When mating season is over the female is expected to have 1 offspring. Besides the fact that we are a predator to them so are leopards and Dholes but be good because they are near threatened no wonder no one has heard of them they are almost to the endangered list. So be good to nature because it could all be gone tomorrow. Until next time.

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