Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 4: Owston's Palm Civet

Day 4:

Small, long snout, this is the Owston’s Palm Civet. They can be found in Southern Yunan, Southwestern Guangxi in China, and Northern Vietnam. They are located in a large vegetated terrestrial evergreen forest. Also near a low land water sources. They live in large canopy trees.  They’re mostly carnivores and part Vermivore. Their diet consist of insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fruit and terrestrial non-insect arthropods. They weigh about 4-6 lbs and are about 19-25 inches long. When its mating season they hare expected to have 1-3 offsprings but the average is 2. If you have heard of this animal make a comment, maybe forgot somethings if I did oops. Anyways until next friends. 

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