Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 6: Cantor's Giant Soft-shell Turtle

Day 6: 

The Cantor’s Giant soft shell turtle spends most of their life buried underground. When they are above ground they’re going up for a breathe or to lay their eggs. They lay about 20-30 eggs. They’re diet is fish or crustaceans. They are indigenous, some live in parts of Asia and India,  and New Guinea. Weighing about 110 lb, and they’re around 6 ft long/wide. The Cantor’s Giant soft shell turtle’s shell is made around their ribs. In many parts of the world this creature has gone extinct, they are on the endangered list. Don't litter end of discussion. If you have heard of the Cantor's Giant soft-shelled turtle comment on this blog, not before this blog or after this one... Until next time.

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