Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 1: ShoeBill

So here I am, again writing to you about something a little different this time. Today I will be talking about an unfamiliar creature. This creature indeed exists, they live in African marshes, and are known for their whale head/shoe beak. This creature is known as the ShoeBill. They have a bluish feather coats, long black legs, and a   Its wing span is 6.5 ft, thats huge! Their bill is 23 cm long and 10 cm wide. They weigh about 8-15 pounds and are 3.7 ft and 3.9 at the most. Their closet resemblance is a stork, pelican or heron. Most of their relatives are different species of herons. It eats, African Lung fish, small-large fish, amphibians, turtles, rats, water fowl and sometimes young crocodiles. When they lay their eggs they incubate them for 30 days, and once they are 2 and half months old they can stand by themselves. They live to 36 years old in captivity, they haven't found how old they live in wild. Anyways I'll keep on rambling so to finish off, Shoe bills are vulnerable and yes one of the strangest looking creatures I've ever seen. But if you happen to go to Africa any time soon don't disturb them or any type of animal. Until the next blog.

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