Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 3: Aye-Aye

Day 3:

Lets go to a place no one has really heard much of before, Madagascar. Deep in the East coast rainforest lives one primate not many people hear of. They are related to chimpanzees, apes, and humans. These creatures are one of the strangest primates. They live only in Madagascar no where else. They have a thick brown coat a big bushy tail and bat like ears. Is this ringing a bell to anyone? Well they are known as an Aye-Aye. They spend most of the day building a nest out of twigs and leaves. In fact they cling on to the trees with their sharp claws, which also helps them hang upside down on branches, and cracking open coconuts, and mangoes. They spend most of their life in trees, staying away from their main predator the fossa. Which are also only live in Madagascar. Their diet consist of fruit, insect larvae, leaves, seeds, grains, nuts and nectar. They are known for their bat like ears. In fact which helps them hear insect larvae in trees. These Aye Ayes are very close to excitation. About 3,000 years ago a similar species went extinct. Natives in Madagascar kill Aye-Ayes on sight, because they are seen as crop pests. I'm glad you're taking the time to read all of this, I hope you keep on because there are still 7 days of blogs to come. Oh and if you've heard of the Aye-Aye tell me more about them. Okay until next time.

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